2025/2026 Sponsors/Vendors
Website: https://www.veritone.com
Law enforcement and judicial agencies across the United States face the seemingly insurmountable challenge of streamlining their processes so that they can focus on their core missions and do them even better.
Veritone offers a portfolio of solutions that’ll help you redact audio and video files faster, accelerate investigations while managing evidence more efficiently, and process evidential media from diverse sources so you can understand and find crucial evidence you need at a moment’s notice.
Peregrine Technologies
Website: https://www.peregrine.io/law-enforcement
Peregrine’s real-time decision and operations management platform is revolutionizing the way law enforcement agencies engage with their date, making it easily accessible and immediately actionable for those who need it, when they need it most.
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rapid DNA
Website: https://www.thermofisher.com/
Every minute that a crime remains unsolved is time for someone else to become a victim. Imagine what can happen when DNA testing takes only minutes, instead of days, weeks, or even months.
With the FBI NDIS approved Applied Biosystems RapidHIT ID System, police officers and investigators can generate forensic DNA results in virtually any setting in as little as 90 minutes. With minimal training, you can obtain rapid intelligence that can immediately impact an investigation or link suspects with past crimes while they are still in custody. Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Rapid DNA investigative lead solution helps law enforcement provide critical leads within the first pivotal hours of an investigation. Rapid DNA programs are now transforming investigations and assisting agencies to apprehend criminals, rule out suspects, and keep communities safe across the country.
DNA Labs International
Website: https://dnalabsinternational.com/
DNA Labs International (DLI) is an ANAB ISO 17025 accredited forensic laboratory with a remarkable 20-year history of supporting law enforcement agencies across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean Nations. Founded in 2004 with a unique focus on empowering law enforcement, DLI has been at the forefront of forensic science, revolutionizing the field with its unwavering commitment to excellence. We are passionate about our work and instill and share the company’s core mission: to provide the highest quality results, friendly service and innovative technology for law enforcement agencies and the victims they represent.
A.D. Valor Technical Cleaning
Website: https://valortechnicalcleaning.com/
Valor Technical Cleaning is a crime scene, suicide, blood and biohazard cleaning company with a passion for service and a willingness to give back to our communities. Our team of OSHA-compliant, GBAC certified professional cleaners approaches every job with care and professionalism, always focusing on the well-being and safety of our clients.
WSI Technologies
Website: https://wsi-tech.com/public-safety
Provider of Law Enforcement Technologies such as mobile solutions, digital evidence management, interview recording solutions, emergency communications recording, and digital evidence management.
Website: https://www.cybgen.com/
Cybergenetics helps investigators solve crimes through complex DNA evidence. Free TrueAllele screening can turn a lab’s “inconclusive” DNA into highly informative evidence. Cast-off samples or CODIS hits then connect criminals to crime scenes, leading to arrest and conviction.
If your DNA evidence needs deeper “probabilistic genotyping” to find a perpetrator, call Cybergenetics for a closer look at the lab’s data. Our free TrueAllele computer screening can tell you if your suspect is in the DNA, and how the evidence can help close your case.
Website: https://www.veripic.com
VeriPic’s Digital Evidence Management solution allows law enforcement to securely store and manage all digital evidence files. Store data from body worn cameras, picture files, audio recordings, cell phone data, as well as any proprietary files in one place for easy management, chain of custody, and case retention.
Advanced Police Concepts
Website: https://advancedpoliceconcepts.com/
Advanced Police Concepts provides advanced police training for the 21st Century professional, and offers in person, live online, and on demand online courses.
Seiler Public Safety
Website: https://www.seilergeo.com/industries/trimble-forensics-and-public-safety/
Seiler Forensics and Public Safety provide a powerful package of hardware and software solutions designed specifically to help law enforcement, first responders, emergency managers, and private sector security agencies handle the toughest information-collection challenges.
Seiler Forensics and Public Safety offers solutions for forensic mapping, emergency planning, quick scene clearance, real-time emergency response, and crash and crime scene reconstruction. Seiler Forensics and Public Safety offers a complete product line of Trimble Forensic mapping solutions including total stations, scanners, GNSS, and drones.
Trailways Counseling
Website: https://trailwayscounseling.com/
Trailways Counseling offers to Law Enforcement and other First Responder Agencies cutting edge services that embody and reflect the unique aspects of the job, the working personality, and the working identity of the first responder. Our programs include comprehensive strategies that address the agency, individual and family wellness in the face of a complex set of factors unique to these lines of work. Our team has experience in working with first responder agencies and provide the most current strategies and treatments for trauma related incidents at the organizational, individual and family levels.