W.A.H.I. Wants You for a Board of Director Position

The WAHI Board of Directors is seeking interested members to join the Board of Directors. We ask any member in good standing that wishes to become more involved in your organization to seek election to the Board of Directors (BOD). Elections are held at the annual meeting.  The annual meeting is at the start of business on the Wednesday of the annual conference.  If interested or if you wish to nominate a member contact BOD Chase Shroeder.  

BOD history:  Beginning in 1996, the Board of Directors shall consist of twelve (12) members. They shall be elected for a period of three (3) years and shall hold office and execute their duties until their duly-elected successor has been named. The Board of Directors shall be divided into such groups so that one-third (1/3) of the Board shall be elected at each of the annual conferences. Candidates for election to the Board of Directors shall be chosen by the Nominating Committee, (to be appointed by the President). In addition, any member of the Corporation may nominate a candidate for the Board of Directors by submitting the name of such nominee pursuant to the guidelines established by the Nominating Committee, such guidelines being approved by the Board of Directors. Any person so nominated shall remain in nomination unless such nomination is declined before nominations are closed. Nominations from the floor shall not be accepted We look forward to seeing you at this years conference.