President's Message

Thank you to the Wisconsin Association of Homicide Investigators for allowing me to serve as your President for 2024-2025.  It is an honor to have the trust of the association to lead this outstanding organization.

As your newest president of the Wisconsin Association of Homicide Investigators I would like to send out a message to introduce myself as I have this opportunity to serve the Wisconsin Association of Homicide Investigators Association.
I began my law enforcement career in 1995, having worked in dispatch, patrol and investigations.  During each of the law enforcement areas I worked, I learned so much from many different trainings I attended.

After the first time I attended the Wisconsin Association of Homicide Investigators annual conference, I was impressed with the training that I knew that this was an organization I wanted to be a continuous member of and attend the annual conference.

In 2016, I was asked to run for a vacant board of directors’ seat and have been elected to the board ever since and have enjoyed every aspect of being involved with this amazing association.

The Wisconsin Association of Homicide Investigators membership has been growing over the years because of the outstanding training and opportunities for networking. We look forward to another productive year with the support of our members as we strengthen the organization. I wish to thank all the members and board members for all of their hard work and dedication each and every day.  I hope everyone has the opportunity to capitalize on all the association has to offer.
Besides the valuable training that is provided at the WAHI seminar, the awards luncheon is a chance to recognize individuals in our profession for exemplary work. Now more than ever it is important that we focus on the dedication and hard work which takes place daily throughout our state and nation. If you know of anyone who is deserving of recognition, please contact one of our board of directors for information on nominating them.

As a reminder, I would also encourage agencies to take advantage of our cold case review team. You can have a case review completed at no cost by members who have countless years of experience. Please see the Cold Cases tab on the website for information.

Next year, 2025 will be the 28th Anniversary of the Wisconsin Association of Homicide Investigators Association and will be held at the American Club in Kohler, Wisconsin. We hope to see you there.

Mike Reimer - Special Agent - WI Dept. of Justice - DCI (retired)